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S Face D- (Pointe des Nantillons)

F Gros, A Roch and E Stagni with R Lambert, 26 Aug 1937
A pleasant route of medium dtfjculty on excellent granite.
From the Envers Hut follow Route 131 up the glacier basin until.... Make aqdiagonal rappel L and traverse to a huge slab (IV). Make a 10m tension traverse L to an easy couloir and follow it to the summit. 450m, 6hr from the hut.

E Pillar D- (Aiguille des Grands Charmoz)

G Mallory and H Porter, 2 Aug 1919
This little-known route gives a safe and interesting climb to the NE ridge, a little below the summit.
Follow Route 149 to the large scree terraces on a level with....... The ridge bends R towards the top and becomes more sustained at IV. Exit near the top of the NE ridge. 8hr from the Envers Hut.

Mer de Glace Face D (Aiguille du Grépon)

H Jones, R Todhunter and G Young with] Knubel and H Brocherel, 19 Aug 1911
Another well-established classic ofthe region which is safe and well-protected on good rock. For many years it remained technically the hardest climb in the range although the true finish, the Knubel Crack, is easibw avoided. Nowadays it is rather neglected due to the increasing popularity ofthe shorter, harder climbs available on the Envers side of the Aiguilles. Route hnding on the lower section is tricky......
...blah, blah... většina kolem III a IV, jedna dýlka za V-, 800m převýšení, 8h z chaty...

E Face D (Aiguille de Roc)

Nowadays the modern lines, with their superior climbing, take pride of place and this classic means of access to the summit is rarely followed. However it remains a good route with varied and interesting climbing of medium dijfculgi.....
...blah, blah.... 700m (to imho neznamená 700m lezení), 6h z chaty

něco se tam najde...


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