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ZABARDAST - (2018) - full movie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkigzUFr3ys)

This multi-voice adventure and expedition film is an intimate travel diary. The setting is a remote glacier in the Big Karakorum in Pakistan. The adventure consists in approaching the mountain all alone, 150 km in three weeks, without the help of porters who carry or draw the loads and sleds with the camp equipment, including the solar panels. It is the quest for one of the most beautiful mountains on earth. The goal is to ski down the mountain and to explore a foreign land and culture. It is also a story about challenges which have to be mastered ... just to reach the foot of the mountain.


Jako ochranu před robotickým příspěvkem uveď zkratku Českého horolezeckého svazu. Na velikosti písmen a diakritice nezáleží.

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